Growth not ‘gains’


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Growth is continual. A journey. A process. Not just an accumulation. This is how life is too. Sometimes forward, sometimes back but heading in a general direction.

People who think of growth develop and mature. They understand that they must keep walking to grow. They learn to integrate it into their lives so that it has real function and application. People who think of ‘gains’ instead believe it is like buying things where they never perish and can be added on like lego blocks. They separate it from their ‘normal lives’ so they never understand.

It is only when you see the interrelationships and connected principles that you will really learn and understand the art.

Sometimes it is one step forward and two steps back. And sometimes you do go around in circles because growth is never linear.

However, many people believe you only gain and it is magically maintained. Like physical growing, be it a plant or a human, you must feed and nurture it as it grows day by day, moment by moment.

The only way is by practice, refinement and continual education.

Growth not gains.